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Sunday Studio Visit – Ballarat Winterlude

Its that time of the week again – Sunday studio Visit and there is not much happening in the studio today…. it has been too cold to work, but I have big plans for tomorrow because the studio will be warm from the firing I have been doing today!

So, I thought I would share some pics of my fun last night – Winterlude in Ballarat.

Winterlude in an annual winter festival with lots of different happenings throughout the city for the month of July: ice skating, a craft beer event, winter at Sovereign Hill and more. And it the “more” that I had fun with last night.

A part of the Winterlude event is lightshows and live music courtesy of the City of Ballarat – and it is fantabulous!

Here are some of the great pics from last nights light shows …. it was a real treat – as was the music 🙂



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